• 8 ноября 2018, четверг
  • Москва, ЦВК «Экспоцентр», Краснопресненская набережная, дом 14, павильон № 3

International forum "Riverport Expo 2018"

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ООО «Агентство стратегических программ»
2267 дней назад
с 10:00 8 ноября до 16:00 10 ноября 2018
ЦВК «Экспоцентр», Краснопресненская набережная, дом 14, павильон № 3

The international forum Riverport Expo 2018 is a unique platform for the presentation of Russia’s investment and economic potential aimed at developing the system of inland waterways, creating a single economic space, forming and developing a port network and accelerating the introduction of modern technologies into the activities of Russian river ports. Plenary session, panel discussions, round tables.


     The development of inland waterway transport of the Russian Federation is an important task of increasing the efficiency of the entire transport sector. President of Russia V.V. Putin at a congress of the Union of Transport Workers of Russia on March 5, 2018 determined the priority development of the Russian river infrastructure as a key task of the industry.

     The Marine Collegium under the Government of the Russian Federation (Minutes No. 1 (29) of April 28, 2018) decided to hold the International Forum "Riverport Expo 2018" (Moscow, November 8-10, Expocentre Fairgrounds).

     Within the framework of the forum "Riverport Expo 2018" an exhibition of new technological solutions will take place with the participation of leading foreign corporations and Russian companies.

     The international forum "Riverport Expo 2018" will be attended by the heads and top managers of leading industry corporations, unions of producers and associations, investment funds and leading banks of the country, entrepreneurs and businessmen from Russia, the EAEU and foreign countries, possessing modern technologies and business solutions for the development of river ports and inland waterways of Russia.




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For more information, visit www.riverportexpo.ru.
Phone: +7 499 322 94 02
E-mail address: info@riverportexpo.ru

Participation is free of charge, by prior registration.




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